
Magnolia Orchid Vitamin B5 Intensive Hydrating Essence

夏天天氣炎熱, 若用上過潤的精華, 外出時痘痘會長出來; 在家廿四小時開冷氣,若不用補濕精華呢, 又會乾致出油。5月尾時, 終於給我找到了一支很適合的補濕精華了 ! Magnolia Orchid Vitamin  B5 Intensive Hydrating Essence, 這是我夏天早上用的精華。法國美容院品牌, 於美國製造, 單看它的包裝已頗有高貴感。精華液呈乳白色的顏色, 質感比 B5 gel 薄身一點, 推起上來也較水, 吸收得也很快, 實質上, 補濕能力也比B5 gel 的高。用過後, Bicelle、Skinceutical、Dr. Wu 等都不得不要讓路啊!

Product Details:
Effective hydrates and moisturizes the skin. It helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It contains a high concentration of hyaluronic acid which is a natural moisturizer with excellent water-binding capabilities to ensure skin cells are hydrated and moisturized. Beta-Glucan can quickly relieves redness and discomfort caused by skin sensitivity. This Hypoallergenic Moisturizing VB5 Essence is formulated with natural ingredients and is Paraben free. It is gentle and safe and can be use daily. It provides essential hydration and moisturizing for damaged and sensitive skin.

Hyaluronic Acid Concentrate Preserves, Restores, and Moisturizes skin. Its chemical structure captures the water molecule. Hyaluronic acid forms an membrane then penetrates into the dermis. The membrane on skin locks in moisture and gives the skin a youthful appearance.
Vitamin B5 also known as the Pantothenic Acid. It's a water-soluble nutrient essential healthier skin. Vitamin B5 may be useful in treating acne, soothing burns and irritation, and in speeding the recovery of minor skin wounds.

Direction of use:
Use twice daily after cleansing and toning. Apply a moderate amount to clean fingertips and gently massage onto the skin until fully absorbed.

Skin type:
Dry Skin, Mature Skin, Aging Skin, Normal Skin and Sensitive Skin

